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Writer's pictureHarbour Lights

Singing at The Bede Club

As many of you know, a full risk assessment was carried out, prior to the very first evening for meeting together at The Bede Club.

For the time being, singers will be split into two groups. Please email Sarah on to ascertain your time slot each week.

It won't be the same time every week so keep checking... Sarah will have to take into account the work-related, lift-sharing (or other) needs of some people and also assess what we need for a good vocal mix of parts. Don't forget there is a very nice bar downstairs for a drink while you are waiting - we will have plenty of chances to socialise, just not in the room.

We will tell you which chair to take and remember, please wear a mask while moving around.

(If you would feel safer wearing a mask , you can also buy mask liners which give you more space to sing in your mask

We have put in place mitigating safety factors.

We advise and would very much appreciate that everyone takes a Lateral Flow test on the day of choir.

Entry to the Choir rehearsal room will be from 6.55pm for the first group, with a start time of 8pm for the second group.

Hand Sanitiser is available.

Names will be noted and contact details taken if we don't already have them.

The room is ventilated - the door to the room and the back fire escape door are open.

Seats are placed at a distance of 2 metres apart.

The available windows are opened .

Disposable masks will be available to those who have forgotten to bring one.

We ask that you wear a mask to move to your chair and on leaving the room.

If people wish to socialise, please do so in the bar or outside.

We are also aware that there may be an instance when one of our members does report a positive Covid test to us, which falls within the 2 day "window" . In such an instance, choir members will be informed immediately, and advised to follow the Government guidelines issued from August 16th.

This information is included in the link below.

In the case of those who are double vaccinated they do not have to isolate, but are advised to undertake a PCR test to ascertain their Covid status. Thereafter they would follow the advice given depending on the result.

We want everyone to know that we are regularly reviewing our safety policy and keeping up to date with the current Covid guidelines.

If anyone has any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact Mary, on her mobile 07939 783632.


There is limited car parking available at The Bede. Along with our choir there is another activity going on. We have been asked by the management that all attendees park considerately. We appreciate that we have members for whom it is beneficial that they can park nearer to the venue. However, if you can walk or car share please consider doing so . There is also street parking in Wellwood Street and Byron street just a short distance down from The Bede on the right hand side.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday evenings.



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